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姓名:段佳 性别: 职称:研究员 学历:博士研究生 电话:0760-85286866 电子邮件:duanjia@simm.ac.cn 职务:课题组长 通讯地址:广东翠亨新区中瑞(欧)工业园健康医药示范区

  • 个人简历

    段佳,中科中山药物创新研究院研究员,课题组长,博士生导师。2017年6月毕业于武汉大学,获理学学士学位。2022年6月毕业于中国科学院上海药物研究所,获理学博士学位。2023年1月破格提拔为中国科学院上海药物研究所/中科中山药物创新研究院研究员,并担任课题组长,博士生导师。重点聚焦与代谢性疾病相关GPCR的结构与功能研究。目前已以第一作者和共同通讯作者身份在Nature(3篇)、Nature Communications、Cell Research等国际知名期刊发表论文十余篇,部分研究成果入选上海市自然科学一等奖。受邀参加多项国际国内会议,并在Nature Reviews Endocrinology发表综述。入选中国科协第八届青年人才托举工程项目、中国科学院上海分院抢占制高点青年攀登计划、上海市青年科技英才扬帆计划、上海科技青年35人引领计划、上海创新创业年度十大案例、中国科学院特别研究助理,获得了中国生物物理大会首届女科学家“优秀科研成果奖”、吴瑞奖学金、中国科学院院长特别奖、上海市巾帼创新“未来之星”、上海市巾帼建功标兵等多项奖项。

  • 研究领域


  • 研究成果





  • 代表性论著(*:通讯作者)

    1. Shen, S. #, Wang, D. #, Liu, H. #, He, X. #, Cao, Y., Chen, J., Li, S., Cheng, X., Xu, H. *, Duan, J. *. Structural Basis for Hormone Recognition and Distinctive Gq Protein Coupling by the Kisspeptin Receptor. Cell Reports. 2024 July 23; 43(7):114389.

    2. Tao, L.#, Wang, D.#, Yuan, Q.#, Zhao, F.#, Zhang, Y., Du, T., Shen, S., Xu, H. *, Yi, L.*, Yang, D.*, Duan J. *. Bitter taste receptor TAS2R14 activation and G protein assembly by an intracellular agonist. Cell Research. 2024 Jul 5. doi: 10.1038/s41422-024-00995-4.

    3. Duan, J. *, #, Liu, H.#, Zhao, F.#, Yuan, Q., Ji Y., Cai, X., He, X., Li, X., Li, J., Wu, K., Gao, T., Zhu, S., Lin, S., Wang, M., Cheng X., Yin, W., Jiang Y., Yang D. *, Xu, H. *. GPCR activation and GRK2 assembly by a biased intracellular agonist. Nature. 2023 Aug; 620(7974):676-681.

    4. Zhu, S.#, Yuan Q.#, Li, X., He X., Shen S., Wang, D., Li, J., Cheng, X., Duan, X.*, Xu, H. *, Duan J. *. Molecular recognition of niacin and lipid-lowering drugs by the human hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 2. Cell Reports. 2023 Nov 28; 42(11):113406.

    5. Duan, J. #, Xu, P. #, Luan, X. #, Ji, Y., He, X., Song, N., Yuan, Q., Jin, Y., Cheng, X., Jiang, H., Zheng, J., Zhang, S.*, Jiang, Y.*, Xu, H.*. Hormone- and antibody-mediated activation of the thyrotropin receptor. Nature. 2022 Sep; 609(7928):854-859.

    6. Duan, J. #, Xu, P. #, Cheng, X. #, Mao, C. #, Croll, T., He, X., Shi, J., Luan, X., Yin, W., You, E., Liu, Q., Zhang, S., Jiang, H., Zhang, Y. *, Jiang, Y. *, Xu, H.*. Structures of full-length glycoprotein hormone receptor signaling complexes. Nature. 2021 Oct; 598 (7882): 688-692.

    7. Duan, J. #, Xu, P. #, Zhang, H. #, Luan, X. #, Yang, J., He, X., Mao, C., Shen, D., Ji, Y., Cheng, X., Jiang, H., Jiang, Y., Zhang, S. *, Zhang, Y. *, Xu, H.*. Mechanism of hormone and allosteric agonist mediated activation of follicle stimulating hormone receptor. Nature Communications. 2023, 14, 519.

    8. Duan, J. #, Shen, D. #, Zhao, T. #, Guo, S. #, He, X., Yin, W., Xu, P., Ji, Y., Chen, L., Liu, J., Zhang, H., Liu, Q., Shi, Y., Cheng, X., Jiang, H., Xu, H. *, Zhang, Y. *, Xie, X. *, Jiang, Y. *. Molecular basis for allosteric agonism and G protein subtype selectivity of galanin receptors. Nature Communications. 2022, 13, 1364.

    9. Duan, J. #, Shen, D. #, Zhou, X. #, Bi, P. #, Liu, Q., Tan, Y., Zhuang, Y., Zhang, H., Xu, P., Huang, S., Ma, S., He, X., Melcher, K., Zhang, Y. *, Xu, H. *, Jiang, Y.*. Cryo-EM structure of an activated VIP1 receptor-G protein complex revealed by a NanoBiT tethering strategy. Nature Communications. 2020, 11, 4121.

    10. Duan, J. #, Liu, Q. #, Yuan, Q. #, Ji, Y., Zhu, S, Tan, Y., He, X., Xu, Y, Shi, J., Cheng, X., Jiang, H., Xu, H. *, Jiang, Y. *. Insights into divalent cation regulation and G13-coupling of orphan receptor GPR35. Cell Discovery. 2022 Dec 21;8(1):135.

    11. Ji, Y. #, Duan, J. *, #, Yuan, Q. #, He, X., Yang, G., Zhu, S., Wu, K., Hu, W., Gao, T., Cheng, X., Jiang, H., Xu, H. *, Jiang, Y. *. Structural basis of ligand recognition selectivity of endothelin receptors. Nature Communications. 2023, 14, 1628.

    12. Duan, J. *, #, He, X., Li, S., Xu, H. *. Cryo-electron microscopy for GPCR research and drug discovery in endocrinology and metabolism. Nat Rev Endocrinol. 2024 Feb 29. doi: 10.1038/s41574-024-00957-1.

    13. Li, S., Wu, Y., Chen, J., Shen, S., Duan, J. *, Xu, H. *. Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2024 Apr;45(4):674-685. doi: 10.1038/s41401-023-01207-2.